Friday, 5 January 2007

TalQer bout Skype costs

Currently in the UK SkypeOut calls to UK landline numbers (starting 01 or 02) are free for six months for users that spent £10 on credit prior to 31st December. However they still have to pay for calls to non-geographic numbers and mobiles. For anyone that missed the promotion the rate is £0.014 per minute - significantly cheaper than BT rates at £0.03 per minute.

TalQer now offers an alternative tarriff (TalqOut) with a plug in for Skype and a rate of €0.012 (approx £0.008) per minute to 22 countries! The TalQer Skype plug in gives up to 53% savings for European users (because they're not based in Europe they don't charge VAT which Skype does).

Talqer is the service which allows Google Talk users to dial out and now offers an alternative to SkypeOut. With Skype due to release a new disruptive (innovative?) pricing strategy on the 18th January (which will include a connection charge of €0 – €0.039 per call) many people may look at TalQer as an alternative.

TalQer can provide a dial in number so that people can call you (TalqIn), voicemail, call forwarding and integration with browsers and email clients to make telephone numbers clickable. TalQer goes one step further then Skype with the ability to highlight any telephone number in any application and click an icon in the Windows System tray to dial the number.

You can choose whether you to integrate TalQer with Skype and/or Google Talk or use it as a stand alone application. TalQer is not associated with either Skype or Google Talk but gives an alternative means of calling to traditional telephone networks (and yes you can pay with PayPal).



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