eBay for charity

Mission Fish now have over 1000 charities to choose from so if you want to support a charity there's sure to be a cause close to your heart. In fact many people sell purely from the good of their hearts passing auction proceeds to swell the charities funds. All eBay for charity items are easily distinguished by the charity ribbon logo which appears in search and browse results and on the auction itself.
There is however a more mercenary reason for supporting charities, many buyers search only eBay for charity when looking to buy and listing your item there will undoubtedly attract buyers who may not normally browse the categories you sell in. Much as some will say that profiting from charity isn't the "done thing" at the end of the day charity auctions attract more bids then other similar listings so it's quite possible to donate a percentage of your sale price to charity and yet still end up with a similar amount at the end of the day.
Of course serious sellers will look at the commercial benefits of attracting buyers to their auctions and may even donate 100% of the auction price to charity knowing that it will bring traffic to their other auctions and eBay shop to more than compensate for the item they donate.
If you haven't looked yet eBay for charity is well worth investigating!
Labels: business, eBay for charity, television