Tuesday, 16 January 2007

Marketworks thrown off eBay

You'd think a sizeable service company could keep it's affairs in order but it appears not. Marketworks (previously known as Auctionworks) forgot to renew their domain name leaving users without pictures in their auctions. Anyone that uses the Auctionworks hosting service (mainly those loyal customers that have been with Marketworks the longest!) were affected.

On Saturday morning (1/13/2007) the auctionworks.com domain expired. This was the cause of image URL's not resolving correctly in auctions. We were able to re-register the domain on Saturday morning and that fixed the root cause of the issue.

There really is NO excuse for this - how hard can it be to manage your domain names and renew them in good time, especially for a company that specialises in Internet eCommerce management services?

The domain was renewed within hours and according to an email sent to an affected Marketworks customer they now plan to phase out use of the auctionworks domain entirely.

via Fruity



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