Saturday, 25 November 2006

CLD feed part one : Keeping up to date

You may have already spotted our Cheap Listing Day Calendar over there in the side bar, keeping you up to date with the crazy number of CLDs eBay have offered on their various national sites recently. So that you can get the news more quickly, and without even needing to visit us here, we're now offering the CLD Calendar as an RSS feed.

What's an RSS feed?

An RSS (it stands for Really Simple Syndication) feed is a way that we, and thousands of other news sites and blogs, distribute our content. Rather than needing to visit the actual site, you can use a feed reader to check the headlines and see if we've published anything new. This is great if you normally read a lot of different sites in a day: rather than needing to click through dozens of bookmarks, you can see at a glance who has new content, and view a short summary so you can decide whether you need to visit the actual site.

What's a feed reader?

A feed reader is like a browser, but for feeds! Feed readers check your favourite blogs and news sites constantly, and alert you as soon as they've updated, so you never miss that all-important story or bit of juicy gossip. Some of the most popular are Google Reader, Bloglines and Newsgator.

Our main blog content is also available as a feed, for all the eBay news you'll ever need.

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